Summary of April 2018

April was a good solid month as I build up to the Northern Traverse which starts on Saturday 12th May.

I ran a total of 151.48 miles. Here is a breakdown of my runs.

In Graph form. My third recce weekend on the Northern Traverse stands out.

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Here are my running and cycling in diary form.

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I like to keep a track of the different types of runs I do. As you can see I’ve not done any speed work at all as I didn’t want to put undue pressure on my ankle.

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At the end of 4 months of 2018 I am comfortably ahead of the target to reach 2018 miles in 2018.

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May will be dominated by the Norther Traverse! I’ve now started my two week taper so not running as many miles for the first two weeks of May but hopefully I’ll make up for it during the race!

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2 Responses to Summary of April 2018

  1. You deserve a great run John. You have shown us how to get through a serious injury (with patience, optimism and professional advice) and how to prepare for a huge challenge (a full recce, detailed planning and sharing this all in a way that draws in supporters like me!). I’ll be following your dot throughout the weekend and pushing the dot gently eastwards on my touch screen.

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