White Rose Ultra result

Finally home after the weekend. I stayed at race HQ last night in my car. I left at 6am, stopped at Tebay services for breakfast and got to work about 10.30am! There were no showers last night but thankfully there is a shower at work so I was able to get cleaned up for the day.

I finished yesterday’s White Rose Ultra (60miles) in 13hrs 21mins 59 secs.  The first loop took me 5:47:27 and the second loop 7:34:32 so not quite the even laps I was aiming for!!

In my defence the course was 60% on road which I found really sapped the energy out of my legs. I was completely on my own for the whole of the second lap and the last 4 hours were in the dark!

Race report and video diary to come!

Congratulations to Davie Hall who was the closest guess in my ‘Guess My Time’ competition. That’s Davie’s third win!! Very impressive guess work.



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6 Responses to White Rose Ultra result

  1. Ian booth says:

    Huge respect to your efforts and results

  2. Gary Mclinton says:

    Fantastic. How was The Bog of Doom?

  3. revrichard10 says:

    Well done John. That was me just managing to keep up with you for the first two miles. It was a pleasure to finally meet you, having followed your blog for so long.
    Richard Horner

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