Update after visit to the doctor

I went to see my Doctor on Monday and he was really helpful. He doesn’t think it is a heart problem but more likely the muscles around my rib cage. He’s prescribed ibuprofen for a week to help with any inflammation.

The Doctor also suggested I see physio for some ultra sound. I’m also getting my bloods taken but he isn’t expecting them to show anything unusual but it’s good to check.

The Doctor encouraged me to keep running as I have considered taking a break for a few weeks but I’ve decided I’m going to do some easy runs for the next few weeks.

I’m due to run the Jedburgh 38 mile ultra on Saturday 26th October 2019 but the way I’m feeling at the moment is that I would rather give it a miss and get this sorted out first.

It may well take a few weeks and this time of the year is a good time to ease off and get myself ready for the challenges of 2020.


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