Review of May

The Rouken Glen 10k is a week tonight. I realise it is a bit close to the Hardmoors 110 but Katrina was keen to do it and I decided to have a run as well.  So tonight I thought I’d do another quicker session.

I decided on 1mile easy, 1mile hard times 3.  Here are the stats ….

fartlek 5 jun

It does feel good to be running a bit quicker but I’m sure I’ve still got the Hardmoors 110 in my legs!!

A quick review of May.  I ran 232.79 miles but almost half of that was in one run!!

May 14 runs

The graph from RunningAhead shows it even more clearly ….

May 14 runs graphFinally a summary of all my runs so far this year ….

2014 runs summary to May


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